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Calculate The Surface Area of A Square Prism

Last updated: Saturday, April 29, 2023
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A square prism, also known as a right square prism, is a three-dimensional geometric shape composed of two congruent square bases connected by four congruent rectangular lateral faces. Square prisms are prevalent in various aspects of daily life and have a wide range of applications across fields such as engineering, architecture, design, and art. Within the scope of surface area, the concept refers to the total area covering the external faces of the square prism, which is essential for many practical purposes.

The surface area of a square prism is the area covered by the outer surface of the prism, which equals to the sum of the areas of all 6 faces.

The formula for determining the surface area of a square prism is defined as:
\(SA\) \(=\) \(2 \cdot a^2\) \(+\) \(4 \cdot a \cdot h\)
\(SA\): the surface area of the square prism/cube
\(a\): the length of any side
The SI unit of surface area is: \(square \text{ } meter\text{ }(m^2)\)
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A cube is a special type of square prism, where the height is equal to the any side of the bases. Use this calculator to determine the surface area of a cube when the length of any side is given.
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